台源寺距洪罗庙 25 公里 , 突击二队 8 月 1 日深夜从洪罗庙驻地出发 , 经过 2 个多小时的奔袭 , 于 2 日凌晨进入攻击出发位置。突击二队由北向南进攻 , 地方武装担任警戒阻击衡阳方向可能的来援之敌。天亮后发起进攻。突击二队攻入镇里后 , 日军龟缩在大土丘的碉堡内 , 依托坚固工事死守待援。美军顾问以机枪密集扫射掩护突击二队工兵接近碉堡 , 最后用炸药将碉堡炸毁。下午 1 时结束战斗 , 歼敌近 100 人。战斗中突击二队亡 4 人、伤 8 人 , 美军顾问亡 2 人、伤 2 人。
ANDY SERWER:Hm.安迪·塞尔沃:嗯。WARREN BUFFETT: You know, when I sold shirts at Penney‘s and Iwas getting $0.75 an hour, I would rather have been doing something else.[LAUGHS] But since I’ve been certainly 24, I‘ve always-- I’ve never-- there wasn‘t anything else I wanted to do. And I had everything I needed, and lifewas wonderful. And-- and I tell those students that comes-- you know, you gotto live. So you may take a job at first for some organization that you don’t admire or work for somebody you don‘t admire.
马斯克的律师迪恩-克里斯蒂(Dean Kristy)在周四提交给美国地方法院的一份动议中说,股东们对格莱姆斯发出传票的提议是为了“炒作这些诉讼”,而不是一个合法的事实调查任务。股东们还提议传唤说唱歌手阿兹利亚-班克斯(Azealia Banks)和其他采访过班克斯或马斯克的媒体,比如《商业内幕》(Business Insider)和《纽约时报》(New York Times)。阿兹莉娅-班克斯在Instagram上发帖称马斯克当时在吸毒。
ANDY SERWER:Can everyone do what you do, though? I mean, do you think that?安迪·塞尔沃:你认为其他人能作出和你一样的成就吗?WARREN BUFFETT:I‘m cut out for-- for managing money. [LAUGHS]You know, it doesn’t mean it makes-- you know, different people have differentkinds of minds. I-- I play bridge with people who can remember the hand theyplayed 30 years ago, you know, and watch a basketball game at the same time.But-- but-- so there‘s all kinds of different smarts that people have. And I’vebeen fortunate enough that I-- mine have been in something that pays off big.And I could be, you know, very good at something else that is just as muchutility to society. But it doesn‘t-- it doesn’t fit the market system as well.